

In the above picture two activities of Bhagavan Mahavira shown. One, his religious walk and the other his absolute absorption in Kayotsarga pose. It is one’s great fortune to observe Bhagavan Mahavira wandering in a jungle. How pleasant and attractive this picture is !

Second picture - The following picture depicts Bhagavan Mahavira breaking his two days’ fast observed at the time of the initiation by taking pudding (Khir) in the vessel of a house holder. Tirthamkaras always take their meals in their hands. However, all of them cannot observe this custom. So it is proper that other ascetics keep wooden vessels keep wooden vessels and take their food from them. To support this Bhagavan Mahavira accepted Bhiksa only once in a wooden vessel. Then he took his meals in his hands for whole the life.

Third picture - This picture depicts the incident which took place when Bhagavan Mahavira stayed for a monsoon in a grass hut of a hermitage. Bhagavan Mahavira was standing absorbed in Dhyana (meditation). A mediator has to think of nothing else. The cows started to graze the grass of the hut. The hermitage-ascetics ran out to drive away the cows. Bhagavan Mahavira was absorbed in meditation motionless calmly. The chief Samnyasi of the prince he does not protect the grass hut? On hearing such a reprimand Bhagavan Mahavira vowed not to stay at a place where he was not welcome.

The above rule made by Bhagavan Mahavira is worth practicing by all.

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