

Bhagavan Mahavira, endowed with thirty-four Atisayas (distinguished attributes), Delivered a soul-stirring and impassioned sermon in the assembly of gods and human beings. Simultaneously, A great sacrifice was in progress in another part of the city. But huge crowds were seen going in the opposite direction, towards Samavasarana, Indrabhuti, of Gautama Gotra, Was the chief priest, and he was told about Bhagavan Mahavira’s Samavasarana. On hearing this, his vanity was hurt and he decided to put to test the so-called omniscience of the now saint. He, therefore, started towards the Samavasarana accompanied by to his disciples. Mahavira, Called him by his name and without asking dispelled his doubts about soul. Upon which he with his 500 disciples accepted monkhood. Hearing this, the remaining ten learned scholars came there and their secret doubts having been removed, accepted monkhood. Hearing this, the remaining ten learned scholars came there and their secret doubts having been removed, accepted initiation with 4400 disciples. Mahavira, gave Tripadi and established four-fold samgha.11 Ganadharas, Composed Tripadi into Dwadashangi.

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